Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Even if it is way too much to read this time come back. but read the side bar and please comment even ,a "I was here".


k8 said...

i was here. :)

Walking Contradiction said...

I was here.

Rohith said...

This is such a touching story. It is so true when they say - God sends mothers because he cannot be everywhere.
Thank you for everything you did and are doing for these kids

Lynda said...

I was here. I probably will have to read later. :(

Anonymous said...

I was here..sniff...sniff..unfortunately this is what's happening all over the world, when your not responsible enough to take the necessary precautions..and as usual , it's always the children who pay for..

No Longer In Crisis said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog - you story is amazing, and the work you've done with foster children is uplifting and inspirational. After our 1 yr., it's hard to imagine doing it for as long as you did. I'm grateful for having read your story.

happyadoptingmom said...

Thanks for writing this. I cannot imagine the pain of seeing so many children come and go through your home without the proper lessons being taught to the birth parents. We adopted our first placement whom was dropped off straight from the hospital. You are awesome. On that final day when you stand in front of God our holy father. He will say to you good job my good and faithful servant. Have a joy filled life